Monday, October 26, 2009


Today is a Monday and it is raining. Stalled rain over the area that is very hypnotizing. Terrible rain for a Monday unless you are at home.

I have to say that I am very thankful of the weekend I had. I was able to see an old friend that I hadn't seen for 6 yrs. I enjoyed seeing her and her beautiful daughter. She was a spitting' image of her Mom, although the opinions were otherwise. Funny how you cannot see yourself the way others do... beautiful!

As I grow older, I realize who my truest of friends really are. They are the unspoken that are always there. They are the people you know that are good. They are the ones that you do not have to speak to everyday and can be the ones you haven't seen in a very long time. But they are there... as they always are! Picking up where you left off. The feeling is good and warm. Friendship isn't of convenience, or differences... the word friendship is over used. We all have people we like.... friendships are the ones of which we love. True friendship isn't of ones that you have falling outs with... it is always of acceptance, loyalty, and just plain being there.

A quote that I know stands true, this is true of friendship as well:

Love doesn’t die from natural causes, it dies of starvation when we don’t feed it, it dies when it is deafened by the shouting of anger, it dies when it is blinded by betrayal, it dies when it is choked by misunderstanding, it dies when crushed by the weight of everyday life, it dies of exposure when the shelter of it’s partner has been taken away. Love doesn't die from natural causes, we kill it every day.

It was great seeing my old friend...although I don't see her everyday, she is one of my true friends. She I truly love... I can't wait to see her again!

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